John W. James
Founder of The Grief Recovery Institute®
Co-Author of The Grief Recovery
Handbook & When Children Grieve
Products & Books
Moving Beyond Loss: Real Answers to Real Questions from Real People
So much of life depends on how well we deal with the inevitable losses that occur. Moving Beyond Loss is filled with accurate and helpful guidance for dealing with death, divorce, and other losses.
— Holly Prigerson, Ph.D., associate Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, and director of the Center for Psycho-Oncology and Palliative Care Research at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
The Grief Recovery Handbook
This book is required reading for all my classes. The more I use this book, the more I believe that unresolved grief is the major underlying issue in most people's lives. It is the only work of its kind that I know of that outlines and problem and provides the solution
— Bernard McGrane, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology, Chapman University
When Children Grieve
There isn't anyone in life who hasn't experienced some kind of loss. It's comforting to know that we are not alone in our sadness and that practical, easy to read, thoughtful help is available by of Russell Friedman, John W. James, and Leslie Landon Matthews' gentle insights on the pages of When Children Grieve. Thank you, Neighbors, for your obvious care.
— Fred Rogers, Producer/Host, Mister Rogers' Neighborhood
Superando Perdidas Emocionales
Este libro es obligatorio en todas mis clases. Mientras más utilizo este libro más estoy convencido de que la pena no resuelta es la raíz de la mayor parte de los problemas que tiene la mayoría de la gente. Según mis conocimientos, este manual es el único que define el problema y ofrece la solución
— Bernard McGrane, Ph.D., Profesor de Sociología, Chapman University
Moving On
Some people think about changing, some people talk about changing and there are those that actually take actions that lead to better results. If you are in the last category, Moving On spells out the actions that will help you change.
— Dave Lakhani, author of Persuasion: The Art of Getting What you Want
The Grief Recovery Handbook for Pet Loss
For the past forty-four years as a practicing veterinarian, I have wished there was a book I could recommend to my clients to deal with their broken hearts when their pets have died. Finally, The Grief Recovery Handbook for Pet Loss is available to help them deal directly with their emotions, at the time they most need it.
— Suresh V. Dogra, DVM, Aloro Pet Clinic, Studio City, California
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Workshops & Training Schedule
The Grief Recovery Institute ® offers Certification Training programs for those who wish to help grievers.
April 2017
Indianapolis, IN - April 7-10, 2017Princeton, NJ - April 7-10, 2017
Reading, Berkshire, England - April 21-24, '17
Denver, CO - April 21-24, 2017
Vancouver, BC, Canada - Apr 28-May 1,'17
San Francisco, CA - Apr 28-May 1,'17
May 2017
Seattle, WA - May 5-8, 2017Dallas, TX - May 5-8, 2017
Milwaukee, WI - May 19-22, 2017
Torquay, Devon, England - May 19-22, '17
Regina, SK, Canada - May 19-22,'17
Los Angeles, CA - May 19-22, 2017