Marty Ingels, a raspy-voiced comedian, actor and talent agent who was married to singer and actress Shirley Jones for nearly 40 years, died Wednesday in Los Angeles, according to The Associated Press. He was 79.
LOS ANGELES (AP) - Marty Ingels, a comedian, actor and talent agent who was married to actress Shirley Jones for nearly 40 years, has died in Los Angeles. He was 79.
A statement on behalf of Jones says Ingels died Wednesday in the Tarzana neighborhood following complications from a stroke.
Beginning in the 1960s Ingels appeared in episodes of many TV shows, including "The Dick Van Dyke Show" and "Bewitched" and co-starred in the 1962 series "I'm Dickens, He's Fenster."
He also had small movie roles.
The raspy-voiced actor later did voice work for hundreds of cartoons, commercials and video games. He voiced Pac-Man in the 1982 animated series.
Ingels also ran a talent agency that booked movie stars such as John Wayne and Cary Grant for TV commercials.
He married Jones in 1977.