Where do you get the information for your obituaries?
We receive our obituaries from funeral home partners across the country as well as a number of public sources.
I am looking for more information than you provide on an obituary (i.e. the full obituary, contact information for surviving family members, service information, cause of death, etc.) How can I find out more?
The information we display on the obituary is all that is available through public sources. Obituaries from public sources will contain basic information--person’s name, date of birth (if known), date of death and last known residence (if known). Obituaries from funeral homes can contain more detailed information such as surviving family and friends and service/burial information. No further information is available other than what you see on the obituary record.
How can I report errors I see on an obituary and have them corrected?
We are happy to correct any errors you come across on obituaries. Please send a detailed e-mail to [email protected] and be sure to include the person’s name, date of birth (if known), date of death, and last city/state of residence along with the corrections you are requesting.
For corrections on older records that were obtained by us through the Social Security Death Index, we recommend you contact them as well to make the correction.
Any significant changes, additions or edits on obituary records we have received via our funeral home partners may need to be made by the funeral home. Once they make the correction, Tributes will receive the updated information.
I can’t locate my loved one in your database. Why is that? Can I create a record for him/her?
We have over 95 million records in our database dating back to 1936. If you cannot locate the person you are looking for by searching by name, date range of death and location, try just searching by name and date range of death. You may have better luck.
You can create a record for a loved one you cannot locate visit http://www.tributes.com/obituary/create_options Please email [email protected] if you have any questions or need assistance.
I see a record for my loved one on the Tributes site and would prefer to have it removed. How do I do so?
respect the privacy of visitors to Tributes.com. If you are the
beneficiary and prefer to have the record of a loved one removed, we are happy
to oblige. Providing the last four digits of the deceased's Social Security
number satisfies proof of beneficiary status. We can remove the record
once this status has been established.
Please e-mail [email protected] with the words "Removal
Request" as the subject.
Be sure to include the link to the obituary. Or specify the person’s name, date of birth (if known), date of death, and city/state of last residence. The last 4 digits of the deceased's Social Security number and your relationship to the deceased.
Requests are typically processed within 2 to 3 business days.
Please note: If a record has been upgraded to a paid Tribute, we cannot honor a
request to remove it. If a free trial for a Tribute or Photo Obituary has been
started, the record cannot be removed until the free-trial period ends and the
Tribute/Photo Obituary has not been purchased.
I posted a condolence on a tribute and would like to make some edits/delete it. How do I do that?
If you are registered with Tributes, are logged into the site and leave a condolence, there will be an ‘edit’ link underneath the condolence you left (provided you are still logged in). Note: In order to see the edit link, you must have been logged in at the time you left the condolence. If you are not registered with the site and left a condolence you want to edit, email Tributes@legacy.com with the revised condolence text, the name of the person whose tribute you want to edit, the date of death and city/state of their residence, and your name as it appears on the condolence. We will make the edit for you on your behalf.
To delete a condolence, you must e-mail [email protected] with the name of the person whose tribute you want to edit, the date of death and city/state of their residence and your name as it appears on the condolence.
I forgot my password. How do I retrieve it?For security purposes, all of our passwords are encrypted and even the Tributes staff does not have access to them. If you have forgotten your password, you can request a new one on the login page (www.tributes.com/account/obitsreg) by clicking on, ‘Forgot your password?’ A new password will be sent to the e-mail account you used to register. Once you have logged in with the new password, you can change it to whatever you’d like in the ‘My Account’ page by clicking on, ‘Change Password.’
How can I change the frequency of my Obituary Alerts?
To control the frequency of obituary alert emails, you can opt to receive the emails less frequently, or not at all and instead check the alert yourself whenever you are on the site. To do so, click on the 'My Account' button and then click on 'Manage My Alerts.' By selecting 'edit' you can control the frequency of the emails.
How can I deactivate my account?
If you would like to deactivate your account, you can do so in the ‘My Account’ page by clicking on ‘Deactivate my account.’ NOTE: You must be logged in to access your ‘My Account’ page. If you change your mind and want to reactivate your account, send us an e-mail at [email protected]. Deactivating your account DOES NOT CANCEL any Tributes you have created and are currently being billed for. To cancel a Tribute, see below.
If you cannot find the answer you are looking for, contact the Tributes Support Team at:
Tributes, Inc.
745 Atlantic Ave, 3rd
Boston, MA 02111
[email protected]
To expedite the answer process, make sure you include:
Or, you can provide the URL address of the record you are inquiring about.