Tony Lara, a ship captain on the Discovery Channel's "Deadliest Catch," has died in South Dakota, according to multiple news sources. He was 50.
STURGIS, S.D. (AP) — Authorities say a man who has appeared as a ship captain on the Discovery Channel television program "Deadliest Catch" has died in Sturgis, South Dakota, during its famous motorcycle rally.
Meade County Sheriff Ron Merwin says he's waiting on autopsy results to help determine the cause of 50-year-old Tony Lara's death.
The sheriff says Lara died early Saturday morning at a private residence in Sturgis.
A message at a phone number associated with Lara wasn't immediately returned.
A post on the Discovery website describes Lara as a veteran crab catcher. He appeared on the show at the helm of a boat called the Cornelia Marie.<