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Michael D. Pointer, 74 Owensboro, Kentucky
July 23, 1947 - April 10, 2022
Michael Pointer, 74, of Owensboro passed away Sunday, April 10, 2022, at his home. The Muhlenburg County native was born July 23, 1947, as one of eleven children to the late Clifford and Juanita Pointer. Mike was a...
Mary W. Howard, 88 Utica, Kentucky
June 25, 1933 - April 10, 2022
Mary W. Howard, 88, of Utica passed away Sunday, April 10, 2022, at Owensboro Health Regional Hospital. The Whitesville native was born June 25, 1933, to the late Louis P. Wedding and Oma Hagan Wedding. Mary loved her...
Chuck Kucera, Jr., 74 Owensboro, Kentucky
October 2, 1947 - April 9, 2022
Chuck Kucera, Jr., 74, of Owensboro, left this earthly world on April 9, 2022. He grew up as the son of a career Army officer and lived at military bases around the world, experiencing numerous cultures. He graduated...
Gail Ann Rekemeyer Williams, 62 Owensboro, Kentucky
October 18, 1959 - April 9, 2022
Gail Ann Rekemeyer Williams, 62, of Owensboro, peacefully passed on to eternal life on Saturday, April 9, 2022, at her home surrounded by her family. Gail was born on October 18, 1959, in Waterloo, NY to the late...
Lorraine Davis Anderson, 75 Lewisport, Kentucky
August 10, 1946 - April 9, 2022
Lorraine Davis Anderson, 75, of Lewisport, passed away April 9, 2022, while under the care of Hospice of Western Kentucky. She was born August 10, 1946, in Ohio County, to the late Robert and Nina Davis. Lorraine...
James "Jimmy" T. Johnson, 94 Owensboro, Kentucky
December 21, 1927 - April 9, 2022
James T. "Jimmy" Johnson, 94, of Owensboro, passed away Saturday April 9, 2022. Jimmy was born December 21, 1927, to Harvey and Marie Johnson, at the Hancock County Poor Farm. Raised as a sharecropper family with his...
Dimple Fay Wigginton Matthews, 86 Owensboro, Kentucky
September 14, 1935 - April 9, 2022
Dimple Fay Wigginton Matthews, 86, of Owensboro, went to her heavenly home surrounded by her family and special friend and caregiver, on April 9, 2022. She was born September 14,1935, in Buford, Ky to the late Raymond...
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