"In memory of the 32 men and women who lost their lives two years ago. May their memories live on."
– Tributes.com,
Apr 16, 2009
"At a time like this, when a tragedy occurs, we all need to remember all of the countless people affected by this senseless act of violence. I can't help believe that there had to be some signs that this was a deeply troubled individual that should have been forced to get help by family or friends. We all need to rethink how to handle individuals like this that appear to be in trouble handling day to day troubles or just plain existing. Perhaps there should be new laws passed, new emergency personnel contacted if we fear a certain person and someone definitely act upon it and not just pass the problem onto some other person or agency. May all those families that lost an individual remain in our prayers."
– Anonymous,
Moores Hill, IN, Jul 09, 2008
"Today at my church, the sermon was "Deliver Us From Evil." At the end of the service we sang a song composed by Bishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa. The words are as follows: "Goodness is stronger than evil"
– Jane Nix,
Monroe, LA, May 27, 2008
"It is hard to find the words. I am so sad for all the lives lost, for the Mom's and Dad's, Grandparents, Brothers and Sisters. I pray that God will hold you all close in the difficult days ahead."
– Jane Nix,
Monroe, LA, May 27, 2008
"The news of the shootings is very disturbing. I have a daughter in her first year of college. This can happen any where and at anytime. It turned out to be a student. Yet, it could have been anyone.
We know it is impossable to have a collage, school, work place and any place 100 percent safe. There is however a way to improve the emergency anouncements. Just not sure how.
It is sad that more and more these type crimes are happening. This should NOT cause us to fear everyone with a mental illness. Instead, we need to find a better way to help those who are ill and are in need of help to get the right help. Too often, the person gets little to no care. Yes, this is a touchy subject. Yet, one that needs to be addressed through the proper channels (Doctors, and others in the field).
Let's keep in Prayer all the Family, Friends and the VT community in our prayers for a long time.
The shooter's family also needs our prayers. I cannot imagine how they felt when first told of their son.
We need to pray daily for all students. They are our future."