"I liked his match at wrestle mania viii with brethart. I also liked the pipers pit. Dennis winship Lynn,massachusetts"
– Dennis Winship, friend,
Lynn, MA, Jan 24, 2022
"I know your still missed today ! Down here on earth! Your at joy, peace with our Lord Jesus Christ and walking the streets of gold..singing with the angels! Seeing old friends ,family who is there today!"
Moss Point, MS, Jul 31, 2018
"I am sure this is sad day for your family like regular families and y'all know he is he is with JESUS our Savior and in happy and good place , his body is in perfect body ,no pain...no tears...So, Lord JESUS take care of his family! <3>"
– D. JIMERSON, friends with Jesus Christ,
MOSS POINT, MS, Jan 22, 2016
"RoddyPipper maythe ood lord watch over and keep you in his tender loving care And play those bagpipes loud so everone knows that you on comeing up to seehem hot rod and when you get up there look dpown on your loving wife @grandkids"
– LourenaBarton, Westlering fan,
uniontown, PA, Aug 04, 2015
"You will be missed. R.I.P. You entertained many people. I watched you an my kid's watched you. Bless you and your family for sharing your life with us. As the bag pipes play to welcome you home, know we respect and love you always."
– Joanna James, Fan,
Fremont, IN, Aug 04, 2015
"Heres a rose for you Roddy, you were great, wrestling, loved you in movies. You were a fun guy!! Rest in peace !!"