"God Bless, and thank you for the work you leave with us to enjoy for many years to come. See you on the other side!"
– Marie Michael, fan,
DE, Sep 12, 2015
"He Will Call
(Job 14:13-15)
Life, like a mist, appears for just a day,
Then disappears tomorrow.
All that we are can quickly fade away,
Replaced with tears and sorrow.
If a man should die, can he live again?
Hear the promise God has made:
He will call; The dead will answer.
They shall live at his command.
For he will have a longing
For the work of his own hand.
So have faith, and do not wonder,
For our God can make us stand.
And we shall live forever,
As the work of his own hand.
Friends of our God, though they may pass away,
Will never be forsaken.
All those asleep who in God's mem'ry stay,
From death he will awaken.
Then we'll come to see all that life can be:
Paradise eternally."
BROOKLYN, NY, Sep 11, 2015
"So sorry to read about the loss of this talented man. God cares so deeply about us that he has gone to great lengths to make the fulfillment of his purpose a certainty. (John 3:16). One of his promises is no more death. Another of his promises is that those in his memory will be brought back to life. May these facts bring you some comfort."
– J.W.,
Sep 10, 2015
"There will never be another Dean Jones. He was "one of a kind actor" and will live on to all of us in his movies. My sincere condolences to his family and many friends and adoring fans."
– Dan Scott, Adoring Fan,
Malvern, AR, Sep 08, 2015
"Have signed 3 times and lost each one! Dean was a gracious, principled, funny, clean actor and set a great example for guys in The Love Bug, etc. days. I always admired him especially when I heard he'd come to know Christ as Lord as Savior. To his family - none of us hurt as you do! I'm asked the Lord to carry you thru this, being right by your side with the peace only He can give. Lean on Him and let Him carry you! Thank you for sharing your Dean with all of us! May the Lord bless!"