July 20, 1945 - November 19, 2020
MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO A LONG-TIME MIAMI DOLPHINS PLAYER TO YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BROTHER FROM , EVERYBODY AT BYRON'S BAR AND GRILLE RESTAURANT !!!!!!!!!!!! MATTHEW 26:01-26:75 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! PSALMS 25:01-25:22 .......... COLOSSIANS 1:01-1:29 ......... THESSALONIANS 1:01-1:10 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! & PHILEMON 1:01-1:25 ?????????????????? #15 !!!!!!!!!!
Dec 09, 2020
Jake was a legend not only at the Athens Y, Georgia, the Dolphins and later the Washington Redskins. He was a very confident person in all aspects of life. I first remember Jake when playing Athens Y football. He would ride up on his motorcycle and join us younger guys in a game at the Y. At Georgia, he was always a leader and finding ways to get things going with members of the team. He started many escapades that got others in trouble but Jake managed to fade into the background just in time. He loved Football,starting a saying, drinking beer and partying. However he loved to party but he was always ready to play football. Jake would have been a great player in the NBA or MLB if he chose those sports. He truly excelled at football and could play numerous offense and defense backfield and receiver positions. We all enjoyed sitting around and joking with Jake at Georgia. He was a sharp dresser and enjoyed taking off in his corvette to head to Hot Lanta! I believe that he would have gotten the Heisman if he had stayed another year and played both ways. He was a genius in so many ways. He will be missed but fondly remembered by all that knew him and especially as a teammate. Rest in Peace! Jake.
Posted by: Jim Massey - Friend
Nov 24, 2020
Our heartfelt condolences goes out to the family and friends.
May you all be comforted as you cherish the wonderful memories shared as well as the beautiful words of comfort from God to comfort “ All who mourn “ bring you a measure of solace and peace during this very difficult period.
Posted by: Ezeko & Rossy - Lagos Nigeria
Nov 21, 2020
I roomed with Jake Scott at the Bullis Prep School (1963-64). Although a football superstar even then and in possession of a genius I.Q., he was a humble equal with me in our relationship in which we discussed much of life. I never saw anything get Jake down. I always know when he was on his way to the room because he would literally be singing some song of the moment. He brought his ukelele to school and taught me how to play several tunes. Always a nice guy, one who never backed down from anyone who purposely challenged him, I will mostly remember him for that big, Southern Georgia smile which was a boilerplate for his attitude in life. What a good man he was even at the age of a teenager. He taught me much. He was one of a kind.
Posted by: James Kelly - Irvington, VA - classmate
Nov 21, 2020
Jake was a great friend and buddy. We shared some good times, met him by chance at his home in Hawaii over 20 years ago and we became friends. He invited my wife and I to his house on Super Bowl Sunday and we went back several times in the following years. He would always check on us by phone, and several times we met him in Atlanta for a week-end. Rita & Laura, I am certain you are heartbroken, Carol & I are also! My deepest condolences to all of his family! May God rest his soul! Jake needs to be put in the NFL Hall of Fame, he should never be forgotten. Miss you buddy, Godspeed. Van & Carol Woodell
Posted by: Van Woodell - S. Chesterfield, VA - friend
Nov 20, 2020
One of the greatest athletes in college and professional football history; definitely Pro Football Hall of Fame worthy. Jake was as scrappy and tough, as he was instinctive, smart, athletically gifted, and fundamentally sound. Just an outstanding football player. A "No-Name," who should always be considered a big name in the All-Time Greats category.
Rest in peace, #13.
Posted by: - CA
Nov 20, 2020