August 24, 1937 - June 12, 2019
Spring Hill, Kansas
I had the privilege of working for Gary at King Radio before he started Garmin International and now have enjoyed working for the great company he founded. Gary was such a visionary innovator, but even more importantly, he was a servant leader that made such an impact for everyone who met him or worked for him. His example and vision has created a unique company that does so much for our community and enhances lives all over the world.
Posted by: Stan Adell - Olathe, KS - coworker
Jul 03, 2019
The contribution Gary has made to society as a whole has benefited so many people. He has truly made traveling easier for those who always need GPS. My sincerest condolences to his family and friends and may the God of all comfort and peace be with them during this trying time.
Posted by: - MA
Jun 28, 2019
My condolences to the family and friends of Gary Burrell. Years ago my husband and I thought we did not have any need for GPS. When we finally got our Garmin, we found that we couldn't live without it. Our thanks to Gary Burrell for making this wonderful thing available to us.
Posted by: Jolene - Chicago, IL
Jun 26, 2019
A good name is to be chosen rather than great wealth; To be respected is better than silver and gold. Prov.22:1
He made a name for himself, through this great invention. Please accept my sincere condolences for the loss of your beloved friend and husband. May our Heavenly Father grant you strength to endure.
Posted by: A friend
Jun 22, 2019
Gary was so kind and good to me over the years. He hired me in the late 70's to work on GPS before there were enough satellites up to secure a nav fix.
Because of our shared commitment to Christ he allowed me to continue teaching Mathematics at the Nazarene College, just walking distance way. He provided me with all the health benefits that a salaried employee would receive but I was paid on an hourly basis so that my hours would be as flexible as needed to keep on teaching. This worked out well both for King Radio and the college. I brought engineering ideas into the class room that my students found stimulating. A number of them are now employed at Garmin -- Cliff Pemble, Merlin James, Dave Smith, Karol Kliever, and others that my aging memory is not coming up with at the moment. Gary was not only kind and generous to me, but someone whose competency I respected and admired. I'm so glad that Garmin's success has gained him the stature and recognition he so richly deserved. In the end, however, it is not our professional credentials that carry the day, but the kind of person we are and how we serve others. Gary will be especially richly rewarded in the new heaven and earth because of his consistent testimony and walk in this world with Christ, a Savior and Redeemer for all who put their trust in Him.
Posted by: Stephen Bancroft - Olathe, KS - coworker
Jun 18, 2019
To Judy, Randy, Jon, Mike & all of your family. We're sorry about Gary's passing. My uncle was a great servant of God & a wonderful uncle. We have great memories of him & your family. Wonderful times that we spent together. We know that he is up in heaven with his mom & dad, & his sister & brother, & many other loved ones. Gary, you're not in pain anymore. You have a new body. We love you. And we love your family here on earth. Christina Houser & Mike Houser Family
Posted by: Christina Houser - Wichita, KS - family
Jun 17, 2019
Our thoughts and prayers to Judy , Randy , Jon , Mike and their families . Gary was a great person , a super individual and most importantly a true servant of God . Many great Thanksgivings and Christmas s spent with the Burrell families . We are so thankful to have been blessed to share some of Gary s life with him . Gary , you are no longer suffering and you are with God now . Thank you for everything . May God Bless You .
With all our Love ,
Patricia , Kasey , and Tommy Burrell
Posted by: Tommy Burrell - wichita, KS - family
Jun 17, 2019
James Stothard
Hi Judy
I just received word of Gary's passing and would like to extend our deepest sympathies. Hopefully, it was peaceful and calm. We lived almost next door for all those years and had offices next door for so many more. He was a great man. If there is anything I can do please just let me know. God Bless, Keep well and Stay strong.
Jim Stothard
Posted by: Jim Stothard - Phoenix, AZ - friend
Jun 17, 2019