May 8, 1929 - January 16, 2019
Dear Jack.........there is God and there is Jack Bogle......and there is family..........not much else matters...
You have made a significant change to the investment world.....and to my life.......
Thank you Jack. You will forever be in my memory....
Posted by: Thomas LEIGL - Brownsville, WI
May 08, 2019
O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done,
The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won,
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;
But O heart! heart! heart!
O the bleeding drops of red,
Where on the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.
Dear "Captain Jack",
Thanks for teaching me to navigate troubled waters and, more importantly, how to fish. Because you did, my family will never go hungry.
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Posted by: Richard Robbins - San Francisco, CA
Jan 30, 2019
Thank you Jack, for having a vision of right and wrong and for choosing the righteous path in your dealings with investors all across America. I've learned from you that money doesn't mean much unless its attainment follows from virtues such as character, integrity, and moral purpose. We investors who have known you will continue your struggle on behalf of the Soul of Capitalism.
Posted by: John Ulicny - Philadelphia, PA
Jan 28, 2019
Thank you for the signed Rose Book.
You could talk about a lot of things in addition to finance. Although you were the greatest advocate that the ordinary person had in the world of investments.
If I remember right it was you who warned me that something that I was doing investment wise was dangerous.
David Powell
Posted by: David Powell - Arlington, VA
Jan 26, 2019
I come to join my voice to the thousands the world around who have lost a champion of fairness and equity. May your family make peace with your abscence and hopefully we can emulate the fortrightness for which you were renown in our dealings with our fellow man.
Rest in Peace Mr. Bogle.
Posted by: Emmanuel Eguma - Vancouver, WA
Jan 25, 2019
To the Bogle family: Bless you for sharing John with us all these years. I was able to retire early and I spend every day with my 7 year old daughter because of the financial peace of mind and resources that Vanguard has afforded me. Your treasured family member is gone but his legacy lives on everyday in my home as we spend more time together due to his brilliance and hard work.
Warmest regards,Chad Turner (And Emily)Charlottesville, VA
Posted by: Chad Turner - Charlottesville, VA
Jan 24, 2019
I will miss this fierce, brilliant man who gave the possibility of some wealth to the ordinary citizen. He walked the walk, and we all learned from his books and speeches about the virtues of low fees and retirement possibilities in the index fund.
He was kind,generous and willing to listen and share his ideas with any who approached him with genuine interest in his value system. His book, "Enough" gave straight talk about the ethical crisis in the financial sector.
I will always be grateful that I had a chance to get to know him, even though all too briefly.
Professor Emma Coleman Jordan
Georgetown University Law Center
Posted by: Emma Jordan - Washington, DC
Jan 23, 2019
My sincere condolences on your loss. I hope you find comfort in knowing the multitudes of lives he touched. It was a great pleasure and honor meeting him at the Boglehead conferences. There was always a smile on everyone's face when he'd enter the room.
His was a life well lived.
Posted by: Ron Mason - NY
Jan 22, 2019
Whenever I was with you, Jack, I knew I was walking in the shadow of greatness.The world has lost an irreplaceable giant and I've lost a friend and mentor. RIP Jack. The baton has been passed; we'll carry on your work.
Mel Lindauer, President
The John C. Bogle Center for Financial Literacy & Bogleheads Leader
Posted by: Mel Lindauer - Daytona Beach Shores, FL
Jan 22, 2019
May you all find comfort in knowing the many lives John Bogle touched and influenced positively by his steadfastness to help others to grow their wealth and in putting shareholders and Vanguard crew ahead of himself. He was a selfless man and his advice and smile will be missed by so many.
Posted by: Karen Nagy - Malvern, PA
Jan 22, 2019
I want to express my deepest sympathies to the Bogle family in the passing of Jack. He made an indelible impact in so many ways it can't be quantified. Jack was the eyes and ears for the average investors who didn't understand the financial world and the pit falls one could be subject too. Jack guided the small investor and recommended investing in index funds to keep costs down thus insuring your fair share from the market. Buy and Hold is eternal as Jack would always recommend. His wisdom and advice was superlative. Mr Bogle was and always will be one the most influential and important men advising small investors how to invest on Wall St. Jack you were a role model a confidante and a great humanitarian and the world was a better place because of you.
Posted by: Bob McWatters - Somerville, MA
Jan 21, 2019
My deepest sympathies to the family of John C. Bogle. His loss is devastating to the many people whose lives he touched. Thank you for sharing this great man; your husband, father, and grandfather, with the world. He educated millions in how to prudently invest in the index fund, to give the the small investor, "A fair shake," by first making the index fund available to the small investor. With his passing, so many people are sad, and he is missed all ready. I take comfort knowing his legacy will live on in his family, and the speeches, books, and recorded interviews that he shared with the world. May he rest in everlasting peace. God bless John Bogle, and his family.
Kathleen Ryan
Posted by: A friend
Jan 21, 2019
I am so sorry for your loss. I never knew Mr. Bogle personally, but knew of him through my beloved dad, who believed so much in Vanguard's style of investing and help for the average investor. Dad told me about Vanguard when it was a young company, and I have followed their principles ever since.
I lost my dad 10 years ago and still miss him. I hold on to the happy memories and the lessons he taught me: work hard, invest smartly, help others, be happy. Your husband/dad/ grandpa was a shining example who helped so many and taught the same. I wish you happy memories and peace.
Posted by: Mary L - Homer Glen, IL
Jan 20, 2019
Mr Bogle was the rock star of the financial world for my husband&myself. My spouse died suddenly on Dec 31 2015. One of the most exciting moments we had was meeting our financial advisor(Jim) to inform us we could retire in Jan 2012. We had the pleasure of a wonderful interaction with Mr Bogle in private meeting in Jan 2013. Fred retired 04/06/2013/I retired 05/07/2014. It was all possible due to Mr. Bogle. My spouse started investing with Vanguard in 1975. We were poor but hearty in spirit due Mr. Bogle's philosophy even the common man can achieve financial goals. God bless Mr. Bogle his wife& family. All of you thank you for the generosity of sharing your beloved spouse/father with the world. He truly made a tremendous difference in the lives of many Americans. Love blessings&peaceful grace to all of you. Mary Joan Pope and Frederick Brenner Pope III.
Posted by: Mary/Frederick Pope - Doylestown, PA
Jan 20, 2019
John C Bogle is now advising God on his finances [email protected]
Posted by: Constable Eric Bradway - Gladwyne, PA
Jan 20, 2019
Mr. Bogle's most memorable investing advice, for me, had to be how he turned an impulse into an advantage. To wit, instead of panicking during an abrupt stock market downturn, or crash, where one might be prone to sell everything ("Don't just stand there, do something!!),
he âme up with this Bogle Pearl: "Don't just do something, STAND THERE".
Priceless Advice!!!
Jan 19, 2019
My Condolences to the Family of a Great American that did more than all people combined to fight for the rights of the Small Shareholders of Mega Corporations for that alone John Bogle should be Nominated for Sainthood . John Jr was a friend of mine at Gladwyne Elementary School and was in my Cub Scout Pack where my Mother was The Den Mother . Mrs Bogle thank you very much for sharing Mr Bogle with the World of Investors . God Speed John C. Bogle , Constable Eric Bradway
Posted by: Constable Eric Bradway - Gladwyne, PA
Jan 19, 2019
May his family and firm be consoled with the assurance that his American hero has done a lifetime of great service to the field of personal and corporate investing. His founded company has made my life most profitable and I have spread his message to others. Thank you, Uncle Jack, for your life's work.
Posted by: Daniel Lynch - Iselin, NJ
Jan 18, 2019