September 13, 2015
Milford, Connecticut
Rest in Peace Mr Deluca. I had the opportunity to meet with you at the Subway Headquarters in 2000, and although a very rich man by then, I found you to be completely down to earth and very inspirational. You have built a unique brand that will live on in your memory. God bless.
Posted by: Brian Clingan - lancaster, UK - Franchisee
Sep 30, 2015
I remember Fred telling me that people were saying to him"why do you drive an old car and instead of fixing up your home just buy a bigger one". He responded by saying because I'm very happy with what I have. Is that so bad?" Here was a man who truly loved life and was truly content. You will be greatly missed old friend
Posted by: Marci kagan - Ft Lauderdale, FL - Friend
Sep 16, 2015
Fred was inspirational. I asked him once for business advise . I wanted to learn how to be the person who they call in to close the deal. Fred kindly said to me "you have so many strengths why don't we focus on your strengths instead. How wonderfully put. He had amazing insights into people. As busy as he was he always found time for his friends whether it be to check in and say hello or to offer lending ear. He will be greatly missed
Posted by: Marci Kagan - Ft Lauderdale, FL - Friend of 15 years
Sep 16, 2015