October 22, 1931 - July 26, 2015
Seattle, Washington
I am shocked and saddened to hear of Ann's passing. I had no knowledge that she had been ill. At a store today I found myself looking for Ann Rules' newest book, when I realized there won't be anymore. I feel as though I've lost an old friend. May she rest in peace and may the Lord watch over her loved ones.
Posted by: Teresa Dugan - Miami, FL - Reader and admirer
Sep 28, 2015
I have a broken heart, I feel I have lost a close and dear friend. I have been reading Ann Rule's books from the start, always looking forward to the next one. She has kept alive the victims, the surviving victims and families. Rest In Peace My Dear Friend...........
Posted by: Donna Stordahl - Kingman, Arizona, AZ - Fan
Sep 05, 2015
My brother, who died in 1997, told me I had to read Ann Rule's books. From her first book to her last I was hooked. Her style of writing was absolutely perfect. I just found out this evening, 8-24-15, while I was at the library complaining that I wanted to read more of Ann's books. She was my absolute favorite crime writer. I will miss her deeply and will always be grateful for the books she left us. My condolences to the family. Rest in peace Ann and may God bless you always.
Posted by: Shirl Wilson - Forest Park, IL - Fan
Aug 25, 2015
I had to post again, as I am feeling like two sentences was just not enough. I do live in WA, Seattle/ Tacoma has been my home for many years and am an Oregonian. I've known of Ann most of my life as I have two older sisters, one that was just the right age and wanted to party in Seattle during green river. I loved Ann's compilation books! She was also in LE herself, and although Bundy is her claim to fame, she was SO SO much more than that, and it is so sad to know she is gone. What a strong voice for women, a strong literary presence! I hope her family does what Louis Lamours did and publishes unfinished books they find!!
Posted by: Jennifer Forsberg - Shelton, WA - Fan
Aug 18, 2015
Ann had a unique and rare away of putting her readers into the victim's and their families' shoes and those of the people who worked to solve the crimes against those victims unlike so many stories about crime that focus on the suspects. She was a true advocate of law and justice at the ground level. She will always be remembered for her contribution to her readers and law enforcement.
Posted by: Dick Kraske - Seattle, WA - Friend
Aug 06, 2015
I've read all Ann's books-and waited anxiously waiting for each one to be published--what a wonderful writer--no one can replace her--I thought she was probably in her early 60's and was surprised to find she is only 3 years older than myself so thankfully I will not have to spend a lot of time without her--I feel we were sisters from different Mothers--my best to her family and all others that loved her--
Posted by: Charlene E Gregory - Las Vegas, NV
Aug 02, 2015
I've read a lot of Ann's books over the years. All well written & to the point. There will never be another Ann Rule.
The book she wrote about Ted Bundy was spell-binding. Goes to show you, you don't know who you live next to or who you work with. Rest in peace. God Bless.
Posted by: J.R. - New Britain, CT - Fan
Jul 31, 2015
I feel like I've lost a friend. I started reading Ann's books in the late 70's and have continued to this day. She was the best about getting to the personalities of the crimes. And she always gave credit to the police and legal team. Ann, you opened my eyes about many things. I am really going to miss you.
Posted by: Barbara Brittain - Surfside, SC, SC - fan
Jul 29, 2015
So sorry to lose her, what a shock. I tried to buy everything she wrote and watched her on the true crime programs. She was the best author and a very knowledgeable human being. My thoughts and prayers to her family and loved ones; she will be missed.
Posted by: Deborah Etter - Madera, CA - Fan
Jul 29, 2015
I didn,t realize Ann was so ill since breaking her hip so I was shocked to hear of her death.My condolences to all of her family. I have been a fan since the late 1970's and always looked forward to her next book. I will miss that....:
Posted by: Irene Schorzman - East Wenatchee, WA - Fan
Jul 29, 2015