July 9, 1934 - March 12, 2015
Princeton, New Jersey
I need help! We are trying to bring about chaengs to our current Before/After care program, particularly in the evening. We have K-5 from 3:30-6pm and parents picking up any time.Our current teacher is convinced that curriculum is impossible. The children get outside play and homework time, but after that it is all free play with no learning going on. I don't have experience with this type of program in particular, but I believe we could be doing so much more. Can you help me with types of schedules we might do or a sample lesson plan?We are looking for a new teacher who will be open to change.Thank you!
Posted by: Julia - TCpqgREll0x, VT - an7wPizyn
Aug 08, 2015
Ken, thank you for this. I have been hosting a pity party for some time now and what is srntage is that I am known for being a 1/2 full type of person. We all just need to slow down for a second and step back so we can look at things from a different perspective. Thank you for the reminder. By the way, I just finished Who killed change? it gave me plenty to think about as I step back and take in yet another perspective.
Posted by: Joseph - cT3kxTVcLBvV, CA - GVLfZjfx
Jul 05, 2015
helping them would hide the pain is representative of her rohitienslap with Paul. I believe that their rohitienslap would help hide or distract the pain of their past tragedies, however Paul knows it would be better in the long run to help Laura as a therapist, and see a therapist for his own marriage problems, rather than persue a rohitienslap himself. When Laura got up from the bench, it was an emotional peak in the episode. Laura and Paul had been connecting on a friendly level, and overall helping eachother get through Alex's funeral. But when Paul shared some of past with Laura he mentioned his resentment for his father, who left his mother for a much younger patient. Paul had told her that he promised himself he would never grow up to be his father. Laura wanted to leave because she realized that with her, Paul would be his father. He is a doctor, that would leave his wife for Laura, his patient. I think she realized that Paul and her could never be together. She knows Paul is not like his father, and I believe that she does not want to be the person who makes him like his father.I think that Laura does have geniune feelings for Paul, and that is apparant in the way she has been acting throughout therapy. I believe that Paul does like her, but he recongnizes he does not love her, and won't ever feel for her the way he does (or did) about his wife. I think that because of Paul was so disgusted by his fathers actions, he can never see Laura the way his father his saw his patient. He saw how his fathers behavior hurt him, his mother, and how other people were judgemental, because leaving your wife for a much younger patient, is not only wrong as a doctor, but wrong as a father and husband. Paul is not that person, and won't ever be. It's hard on Laura, but in the long run, I think Paul is better off with Laura as a platonic friend, and nothing more.
Posted by: Patil - fvsLpRzHhJi, OH - uvNCmI6psTp
Jun 14, 2015
Very saddened to read of Michael's death. I'm a long-time fan of his work. He was a great talent and inspiration to my generation. My deepest condolences to his family. It's comforting to know that God does not intend for us to suffer, grow old, or experience death; and it's reassuring to know that he will remedy the situation soon for us all. (Hosea 13:14)
Posted by: NM - AZ
Mar 19, 2015